Rural Access Program

Years of continuous operations

Our Story

Roads are essential for the economic and social development in both urban and rural areas. In rural areas, the roads network acts as a key driver for the growth of crucial economic sectors such as agriculture, fishery, trade, and industry. Additionally, it has a significant impact on healthcare, education, and various other services. The development of rural roads projects is firmly linked to achieving sustainable development, as it plays a role in eradicating poverty, promoting equal access to education for everyone and advancing gender equality, all of which align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)..

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Years of continuous operations

RAP staff


Safe and sustainable rural road network.

RAP seeks to improve the living conditions of rural populations through developing a rural road network that connects rural and urban areas in order to ensure year-round access to basic services for citizens and to build the capacity of local communities to create an environment that enables them to contribute effectively to the development process.

Justice Governance Sustainability Partnership

About Rural Access Program (RAP)

The Rural Access Program (RAP) was established in partnership between the Government of Yemen and the International Development Association (IDA) as a key strategic tool to support the government's Poverty Reduction Strategy. RAP was established by virtue of the decision of the Minister of Public Works and Highways no. 46 of 2001 and the Prime Minister's decree no. 84 of 2001 with the aim of breaking isolation, reducing the effects of poverty, improving the living conditions of the rural population, and working to establish a rural road network linked to the main road network to ensure all- weather access to basic services for the population of rural areas.

RAP works on: strategic studies, detailed studies and designs, implementation and rehabilitation of rural roads, training and capacity building, and community awareness. RAP aims to contribute to achieving sustainable development through working to best practices and applying international standards for the implementation of rural road projects.

RAP objectives

Develop the rural road network to improve the living conditions of rural populations and improve their access to basic services

Objective priorities:

  • Conduct comprehensive surveys to assess the current situation of the rural road network.
  • Develop master and strategic plans for rural road projects.
  • Enhance and build capacity for the staff working in the design and implementation of rural road projects.
  • Implement rural roads projects through applying the best practices and international standards.

Build partnerships and strengthen relations with government agencies and donors to expand the scope of projects and secure the necessary funding.

Objective priorities:

  • Develop mechanisms, tools and methodology for selecting projects.
  • Share information and cooperate with government entities and donors to identify priorities for the implementation of projects.
  • Prepare Appraisal documents of the projects.

Expanding the scope of local community involvement in determining road needs and overcoming difficulties during road implementation.

Objective priorities:

  • Enhance community partnership and ensure community participation in development and give the community the opportunity to share priorities in a manner that strengthens ownership through active participation during project design and implementation.
  • Build the capacities of local communities and empower them to manage simple contracts to implement projects using specifications commensurate with low traffic roads.
  • Raise environmental and social awareness through opening channels of dialogue with beneficiaries to contribute to addressing environmental and social issues that may occur during project design or implementation.